Welcome to the New York Sartorialist and thanks for stopping by. I'm honored and hope you enjoy!
Please be sure to subscribe at the right so you don't miss a thing.
Warmest regards and thanks again for being here~ Michael Cress


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How many people work on The New York Sartorialist?
A. While there are a large number of people who are instrumental in so many ways, Michael Cress is solely responsible for all of the content as the New York Sartorialist. The writing and images are entirely the work of Michael with the exception of historical images unless otherwise noted.

Q. Does the New York Sartorialist accept images or content from others for inclusion on the site?
A. Not to date. To maintain consistency and a degree of pureness of the world as the New York Sartorialist sees it, it's been critical for the site to rely solely on Michael's viewpoint.

Q. I submitted a comment but I don't see it online. Is there a problem?
A. All comments are moderated (approved) before they are published on the site. There could simply be a delay in the approval process and it will be visible shortly. Comments that are not approved tend to have nothing to do with the editorial in question or is viewed as too negative. While tasteful constructive criticism is welcome, the desire to remain constructive and positive is of high priority. The New York Sartorialist does not wish to have anyone who was gracious enough to have their image taken or the subject of an editorial be subjected to negative comments. We want the entire experience both as a participant and the reader to be a positive experience.

Q. I am interested in advertising on the New York Sartorialist website or would like to invite the New York Sartorialist to an event. Who do I contact?
A. Email Michael at michaelc@nysartorialist.com